Background checks are not performed by Denver Catholic Speed Dating LLC on individuals within the systems of the in-person speed dating, virtual speed dating and Faith Match Catholic Blind Dating programs. This is due to the inconclusive nature of such background checks, whereas one type of background check can differentiate much from other records available with current or former municipality or other body of authority of said match. The system for background checks in society is sporadic, often not updated and can be inconsistent with other records taken at a city, town, county or other similar authority past or present.
Denver Catholic Speed Dating LLC, Virtual Catholic Speed Dating and National Faith Match Catholic Blind Dating programs are not liable for any damages, injuries or other infractions caused by background checks not being pulled. Participants may look into someone’s background if they so wish. This has not posed a problem in the past as we’ve only been alerted twice in 14 years someone has a questionable background. That said, DCSD LLC is not able to guarantee there aren’t legal or other concern about a match. It is still important individuals participating take on that research on their own.
Individuals are expected to follow the rules of only meeting other participants or matches in person and in public places only, not in a parking lot or back parking lot. Or over Skype or Zoom if they are three hours away drive time or more from a match. Individuals are expected to follow the rules of not meeting a match at a residence, outside a residence, at a hotel or outside a hotel, at a car, whether inside or outside a car, or other domicile of another participant. One background check might not show what another will and, given that inconsistency, the responsibility rests with the participant to background check individuals themselves if they wish to investigate. Participants are expected to give relationships a lot of time (until engaged a year at least after starting to date, ideally, or once married) and not bombard other participants by insisting on seeing them more than once a week until engaged, for example. This is advisement given by author Thomas Morrow in his Catholic dating books where he highlights that in a healthy Christian relationship, the two don’t see each other more than once per week until engaged. Participants are expected to be safe at all times and take responsibility for that safety. Participants are expected to never ask to borrow money from another participant. The men may pay for the women on dates, but no one is to ask for extraneous money to fly to meet another match or otherwise, for example. Participants must email only to keep in touch every two weeks as per status of their matches if they are owed matches. Send to either or or both.
William & Laura who met at my Fall Catholic Speed Dating Age 20-30 November 4, 2017 at Navah Coffee, got engaged March 6, 2020 at Chapel on the Rock Catholic parish in Allenspark, the same place St. John Paul II stayed and prayed briefly on his visit to Colorado in 1993! The two had gone there to pray early on in their relationship after meeting at my events. To William & Laura who will be moving to Texas in April, you’re beautiful. I love you. And thank you so for bringing me such tears of joy.
They met the month after my second time in a year to Fatima the year of the 100 year anniversaries of Our Lady of Fatima’s first apparition and her Miracle of the Sun. I was getting on my feet again after surgery and two international trips to run events all in a year. I remember I ran two
events that day, I was so behind and William had enjoyed trying Catholic speed dating the first time and meeting new people at the first one he attended in Fort Collins that I was able to talk him into the second one in Westminster later that night where he met Laura. Events were later that year they met than usual. To William & Laura, you still didn’t miss each other! I’m so grateful to God. Thank you for being part of a great 2017 and now, just like all the rest of the couples on this page are, a beacon of light for marriage in the Church for a lifetime. God is good. May the rock of the Church be always your strong foundation. Thank you also to the priests and deacon I sent a message to early the week of their engagement, not knowing it was coming up, asking for prayers for three couples, including them, marrying soon. Credit: janabphotography.