National St. Patrick’s Faith Match! 2025 Catholic Blind Dates

They were matched during Holiday Faith Match Catholic Blind Dates – Kurt & Rita below! One couple among scores of them married from this National Faith Match! Catholic Blind Dates Program! Kurt & Rita out of Fort Collins. Here, pictured August 2020 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Old Town Fort Collins!

Bring in a new season with New Blind Dates! Scroll to the bottom paypal links to register for Faith Match! 

FYI Catholic Singles nationally, in the Mile High City in Colorado, along the Front Range and Beyond; It’s a great season for Faith Match as always! All those with faith match credits will be priority matched along with the newest signups this month.

National St. Patrick’s Faith Match! Catholic Blind Dates season & also for Colorado Local and National (and international) signups is stretching into March 30. Send questions and your inquiry to sign up to Sign up either one of the Tuesday or Saturday nights upcoming (only once per year unless you want to participate more than once in a year) to have the best shot to be matched by the following Thursdays. To be included in the full season you need sign up only once. 

All who have signed up during the previous 2023 & 2024 seasons who still had a few matches outstanding are being actively matched these weeks also. If you sign up now, you have access also to that pool. It’s imperative every participant writes in with status updates every two weeks, about their most recent match, how many dates occurred with that person and about how many matches they have yet.

If you still have matches owed from former cutoff seasons, we are working on your file. If you haven’t touched base in some time (we ask Faith Match participants to email us once every two weeks of their run with Faith Match), email so we get you in right away.

Not single? Pass the word to friends. Faith Match! is a more private, focused way of starting the dating journey in the holiday season. This session of rounds is Age 20-45. I will set up people in the 45 & Up Range as requested also. Those age 45-50 can participate in either age grouping but all setups are within 5-10 years of someone’s age (usually 5 years).

Participants pay $100 for intensive questioning via survey to be matched to two to three people to arrange at least two dates with each. Or $150 for four to five matches plus the “on-the-date” tip sheet. If you wish to do a more intensive set of Faith Matching,

The Executive Faith Match option is available, Offering :

~ 8 dates at $500 including two interviews, one one-hour coaching sessions on dating, more localized dates, plus the “on-the-date” tip sheet and more followup date analysis over one year

~ 12 dates at $1,000 including three interviews with you, two one-hour coaching sessions on dating, more localized dates, plus the “on-the-date” tip sheet and a current date situation analysis both in written survey plus a phone or video discussion of the dating analysis and more followup date analysis over 1.5 years

~ 20 dates at $2,000 including five long interviews with you, three one-hour coaching sesions on dating, more localized dates, plus the “on-the-date” tip sheet, the current date situation analysis both in written survey plus a phone or video discussion of it, a historical dating analysis both in written survey plus a phone or video discussion of the dating analysis and more followup date analysis over 2-3 years

In Executive Faith Match, we match you to matches in your vicinity or state or within yours plus nearby surrounding states depending on your location. To do Executive Faith Match, see the “pay online” rectangle on this website. 

Register Here (To get into the more expensive and extended Executive Faith Match and Intensive Exec Faith Match, see the Pay Online rectangle above for that option):

This option signs you up to take the questionaire & be matched with 2-3 potential dates (Pay $106 here):

This option signs you up to take the questionaire & be matched with 4-5 potential dates plus given the “on-the-date” tip sheet (Pay $156 here):


Many are signing up for the more personalized executive matching system within the Christian and Catholic communities, which is priced higher and more intense a system. Sign up at the “pay online” rectangle tab on this page to begin Executive Faith Match! 

Or sign up here:

This option signs you up for Executive Faith Match which includes an 8-match intensive plan over 1 year that includes two interview sequences with you and checkins, a one-hour date coaching session, the “on-the-date” tip sheet, as well as matches as close as we can get them to you:

Pay $519 here:

This option signs you up for Executive Faith Match which includes a 12-match intensive plan over 1.5 years that includes three interview sequences with you and check-ins, two one-hour date coaching sessions and an analysis of current dating situations, the “on-the-date” tip sheet, as well as matches as close as we can get them to you:

Pay $1,038 here:

This option signs you up for Intensive Executive Faith Match which includes a 20-match intensive plan over two to three years that includes five interview sequences with you and check-ins, three one-hour date coaching sessions, an analysis of both current date scenarios and your historic dating past to bring the best elements of it up to the present, the “on-the-date” tip sheet as well as matches as close as we can get them to you:

Pay $2,042 here:

RSVP to once you have paid to get your age and city to us first by this Tuesday or Saturday.   

Signup dates are each Tuesday and Saturday (you only need to sign up once to be included in the full season) to be included in the full season are above to register online.

It’s starting to be a great time to go to out window shopping, grab lemonade or hot chocolate, even snag a happy hour with new matches for the season! Or, zoom/skype with your favorite warm drink to get to know someone new.

Faith Match! began its first year 2013 inspired by St. Martin of Tours Feast Day. And in an even more sudden way than Denver Catholic Speed Dating was born! Faith Match! is a way a lot of Catholics and Christians throughout the Nation, the Denver Metro area and beyond have loved getting to know people who are looking to date in faith.

For each Faith Match season we get a little militant like St. Martin, with a more serious format to our method, we look to love all brothers and sisters in Christ better in good will toward all men in example of St. Martin of Tours, we look to move from darkness to light in the new Advent season, and we look to leave behind bad habits in dating.

Prayer to St. Martin of Tours

Blessed saint, You were born under pagan ways but since your childhood you were chosen to be a Prince of the Church and, as Bishop of Tours, many souls were redeemed and liberated from the satanic forces through your prayers, austerities and blessings.

We humbly ask for your intercession before Our Lord Jesus Christ because we want to be worthy of the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit that lead us from darkness to light into the eternal kingdom, for ever and ever. Amen.

St. Martin of Tours, Pray for us.


These are running in the following groupings: Nationwide: Catholic Age 20-45 & Catholic Age 45 & Up (or 42 & Up); Nationwide signups have to have understanding they will likely be matched to people across the U.S. though we have a commitment to building a larger base in each city and our preference is to get you to meet blind dates in person in your city.

Due to Covid-19, some Faith Match dates depending if there are any city restrictions, and only if you live three hours or more apart drive time, meetings might take place over Skype/Zoom/FaceTime/Google Chat/Facebook Chat Rooms or phone sessions and then asked to meet once it lifts, three times in person where the setups can and if it’s possible, but at least twice in person where participants live within three hours distance.

Denver: Catholic Age 20-45 (or 20-48) & Catholic Age 45 & Up (or 42 & up); And Christian Age 20-45 (18-48) & Christian Age 45 & Up (or 42 & up). Please state your preference of which grouping when you RSVP.

Signup dates to be included in the full season are each Monday and Friday through September 9, 2024. If you want in on this session, inquire and register by the next available sessions at which we begin actively setting people up by a few weeks after questionaires and signups are both in. Now’s the time! Sign up by paying online at the “pay online” tab or by mailing checks for $100 ($100 for 2-3 matches, $150 for 4-5) (email to inquire on mailing address). RSVP to is required as date setups are always being finalized. I have people already going on Faith Match dates. Once you have paid, and send your questionaire back it, it should be within two to three weeks of your responses received that you begin to receive matches but Faith Match! reserves the rights under terms and conditions listed on the Faith Match! tab herein to go longer through the season as sometimes finding matches for participants takes time. Sometimes, these things take time. But it is not reflective of the participant, but moreover of the timeline and the large waves that come in to participate which take time to sort all participant questionaires once they are returned.  The $100 rate is for two to three people you match with according to most items on your questionaire; and the $150 rate is for four matches, and another option many participants are using. Please write to inquiring about Faith Match! and send your name/age/cell number/email address and how many matches you were interested to sign up on.

Denver xmas down 16th

Needing a date to last past a season and wanting to date in faith with a more focused and confidential matching technique? As we are on the brink of the season, my email has lit up with people wanting to be involved in Faith Match. By popular demand, I am putting my skills that the FBI wanted to hire me for in 2006 (interrogation and questioning with 20 years of experience at that as a professional journalist) to work now by launching a more private component to my faith dating business.

Faith Match, in which parties interested in blind date set-ups answer in-depth questioning, and using my knowledge and interviews with each person, for $100 get matched to two to three people ($150 for four to five) to go on at least two dates with each person (I prefer you go on three or four with each person because after two dates people tend to give up too soon). Those interested in the most serious tiers involving direct interviews and date analysis may try out Executive Faith Match above at the $1,000 and $2,000 offerings for a more extensive match system over a certain period of time. I specialize in Christian and Catholic Speed Dating events, so faith dating is my focus. I am also at times approached by people in the Jewish, Baptist, or other religious communities to set them up with people of similar faith background to them and I will do those as well where I have the inquiries. I was not “planning” this when I first launched it on St. Martin of Tours Feast Day in 2013 but it has long been in the mind and all the emails from singles lately have brought it to the forefront. This also helps put into action the database of 10,000 or more people I have interested in dating in faith! I am still running Denver Catholic Speed Dating and Denver Christian Speed Dating events periodically as I have been for five years but have had numerous inquiries to do date set-ups throughout the year for a long time. If interested to try Faith Match, please write me personally at

For Terms & Conditions participants for Faith Match! agree to once they have emailed intent and mailed payment, see Tab on this web site for Terms & Conditions pertaining to Faith Match! Thank you.

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